Read Write Think Comic Strip for Kids

i Claw/Attention GETTER

Activity: Exploring

Inform students that they will be creating original comic strips online. Display diverse comic books and paper comics. Give students aplenty fourth dimension to read and explore the comics. Afterwards, conduct a discussion about the purpose and value of comic strips. Ask students:

  • Why do people read comic strips?
  • What do you lot enjoy well-nigh comics?
  • How are feelings conveyed in comic strips?
  • How are books and comic the same? How are they different?
  • How can reading and writing comic strips assist strengthen your vocabulary?
  • Inform students that merely similar books, comics also contain the five elements of a story elements (plot, characters, conflict, setting, and theme). Take student group together and choose a comic. Together students will idenifty the five story elements of a story within their choosen comic to share with the grade.

Student Instructions

Students will explore a variety of comic books and newspaper comics.

Students will and then piece of work in groups to identify the 5 elements of a story. Later on, the groups volition share their findings with the class.


Handout the "Alien" themed template from the printables category of the Make Behavior Comix website. Have students read the writing prompt then finish the comic by filling in the blank talk bubbling. Later on, have a few volunteers share their finished product with the class. As a class, students will and so identify the five story elements of the story.

Introduce Make Beliefs Comix website on the Smartboard. Tell students that they will be using the applications on this website to create their own comics strips using their vocabulary words. On the Smartboard, the instructor will display an case comic of hercreation to serve as an case.

Review the vocabulary your class has been learning to ensure that students understand the meanings of the words, what lexical category each word is, and how each word tin can be used. Take students select five vocabulary words to incorporate into their comic strips. Having students fill in talk or thought balloons for different cartoon characters helps students practice conversation and language construction in a meaningful context. They must include the five pre-selected new vocabulary words and apply the correct word course of each. Tell students that their comic strips must as well include the five elements of a story (plot, characters, conflict, setting, and theme).

Next, display Make Beliefs Comix's "Story Ideas" on the Smartboard. Tell students to choose the theme or topic from the website or come up upward with their ain theme for their comic strip. Handout a four cake comic strip template and have students draft their comic.

Student Instructions

Students will identify the five elements of a story. Students will use a writing prompt to make full in talk bubbles to an Alien themed mini comic.

Students volition brainstorm and program for their comic, using a four block strip comic outline.  Students will choose a theme. Students will create a plot, characters, conflict, and a setting . Students volition select five vocabulary words to contain into their comic.


Directly students to a computer.

Student Instructions

Watch the Make Beliefs Comix tutorial


Have students access the website.  Allow students "play" for about l5 minutes. Giving them ample time to explore the writing window, the characters, the emotions, the console choices, balloons, colors, and prompts.

Once students have become familiar with the features, enquire them to write their commencement comic strip.

Student Instructions

Access the website. Explore the Make Beliefs Comix website.  Students will use their story outline to create their comic strip. Students will and so print out their final production.

5 WRAP-Upwardly

Activity: Reading

The instructor may cull from the following:

Have a "Comix Celebration" and post all of the strips that the students take written to gloat their writing progress.

Take students work in groups to create a vocabulary comic books based on the strips that the students consummate.Pupil will print and colour their comic strips. Adjacent, let the students serialize their comics to class a volume.

If possible, have students publish their comics in the school newspaper.

Take students work in groups and assume the roles of the characters with in each of their comics. Encourage them to take on the characters personality and voice.

Pupil Instructions

Students volition read and discuss all of their classmates' comic strips.


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